They really are designed as puzzles, with each requiring a combination of hard thought and gaming accuracy. Better yet is Bt the design of Br the levels Tomb Raider's environment is utterly believable. It's slick, it's frighteningly playable, but its landscape is very gamelike', very disjointed and surreal. That's what the aforementioned Mario 64 is like. No doubt you pictured something along the lines of Sonic The Hedgehog, or - if you're cool, Chuckie Egg -that is, something with lots of Cfloating platforms' in it, but from a sort of 3D perspective. Now let's examine what you thought about.
Put your thinking cap on for a moment and try to picture it in your mind's eye. Now, imagine you had to design a 3D platform game. But how does the gameplay measure up? Put On Your 3D Glasses Now Indeed, the majority of the screenshots on these pages were Ctaken' in low-res mode, so you can see for yourself that I ain't no bloody liar, right? Those of you with upper-class Pentiums will be able to enjoy a stunning high-resolution mode, but even on the lowest of detail settings, it's still bloody incredible. You know how sometimes you'll play a game that's so visually impressive and convincing that you find yourself performing the same action a couple of times just because it looks so cool each time you do it? You'll be doing that all the time in Tomb Raider. Lara walks, runs, leaps, somersaults, climbs, slides and dives in a manner so eerily realistic that you can't help becoming rather over-fond of her (indeed, I've already written her a love poem -reprinted elsewhere in this article). Despite having to hurl huge pieces of scenery and light-sourcing about in the background, Core's engine somehow finds room for over 3000 frames of animation in the main character. One of the first things that strikes you is the quality and speed of the animation. The most accurate comparison is with Mario 64 on the new Nintendo system.

For starters, the camera moves along behind you from a floating perspective, switching position only when totally necessary. Alone In The Dark clone, the reality is markedly different.